Do You Need A Trading Masterclass To Become A Trading Master?

Almost every trader follows a similar path. They start out by opening an account and depositing some money. Very easy, very quick. That usually leads to the belief that trading will be easy, too. Unfortunately, that assumption is usually wrong.

The typical trader will commence trading soon after opening the account, regardless of whether he has any knowledge or experience. Maybe he gets lucky, maybe he doesn’t.  But after a few trades – good or bad – most people are “hooked” by trading.  They see the potential for profit, and then want a piece of the action.

That typically leads the trader down to the second step on the path – following the get rich quick gurus.  We’ve all seen them, hanging out on Twitter or Stock Twits, offering supposedly 100% accurate signals in every single market. They also show up on television – spouting off  “insider” advance knowledge of upcoming and unknown events with absolute certainty.

“Hey, I’ll just follow the gurus and their signals” most people think. It makes sense on the surface, and lots of people do it. But it usually ends badly. Why?  Well, no one can predict the future, and if they could, they probably would already be wealthy, instead of selling signals and trading room memberships.

At this point in a trader’s lifecycle, he either quits, maybe turning over money to a professional, or decides to become educated and make his own trading decisions – the “do it yourself” approach. Either way can be successful (or disastrous). 

If you are keen to discover online trading and want to make the most out of it as a do it yourself trader, a futures trading masterclass or stock trading masterclass, depending on your choice of market,can be very useful. Here are five benefits of online masterclass trading courses:

Learn From A Master

When you consider a trading class, realize most of the $29-$99 classes are pure garbage – usually a lure to get you into an overpriced follow-on class.  The cheaper the class, the more likely it is to contain repackaged free material widely available on the Internet.

There is no $99 class that is going to give you all the details you need to trade successfully.  You really need a trading masterclass, taught by someone who actually trades.

Here is where things get complicated – how do you know if your instructor is any good?  The fact is anyone can say they are a great trader – this is the Internet after all! As Abraham Lincoln said in 1862 “don’t believe everything you see on the Internet.” LOL!

One place to look for impartial reviews is  This website offers reviews of many trading educators.  Take a look – do you see your educator here?  What does the review say?

Another great source is trading forums.  Many of these will have a vendor/educator review section, where you can get unbiased opinions from actual clients and customers.

Your goal here should be to find an educator who is a verified trading master.  These people do exist, you just have to search for them!

Online Courses Have No Travel Requirement

In 2020 and 2021, with Covid-19 running rampant around the globe, it is nice to stay at home and learn about trading.  Online masterclass trading courses are ideal for this purpose.  While you miss out on the camaraderie of being around your fellow traders in person, there truly is nothing like learning from your home or office.  This is a definite benefit of online courses.

Good Online Courses Have No Sales Pressure

My experience is that the best trading courses don’t have to sell you on the course – the course sells itself.  Some trading courses require you to have a phone appointment with a “trading counselor” to discuss your goals.  This is a crock – it is really a way for a sleazy salesperson to put high pressure on you to buy the course –today!  Frequently this will be coupled with quickly vanishing discounts, such as “I can only give you this price while we are on the phone together.”

Also beware if there is no price for the course listed on the website.  This typically means the price will be as sky high as they can charge!

Studies prove that phone calls lead to sales at a much higher rate than a static website.  That is because the soothing voice on the other end of the phone is a trained saleperson, and his only objective is to “close” you.  So be careful if they demand you speak with a salesperson first.

The best trading courses – the most legitimate ones – don’t pressure you into an immediate decision.  Sure, they might be discounts or special offers to sign upwithin a certain time, but if you are ever feeling pressured, it is better to just run away for the course.

Extreme pressure to buy is usually a warning sign of an inferior trading course.

Ease Of Reaching The Trading Master

Most trading courses have a supposed trading master who created and/or teaches the course.  The question is “how easy is this person to reach?”  If you have a question, will the master respond, or will a low paid 3rd world support intern answer your query?

The quality of support makes a big difference in a trading masterclass.  What good is paying for the master, when you cannot even talk to or e-mail him or her?

One trick to try is to send the master trader an e-mail, before you buy.  Do you get a response?  How long does it take?  The answers and response will help guide your decision.

Community Of Like Minded Traders

Since the master trading course is online, it is more difficult to connect with other students.  Does the course offer some type of trading forum, or a list of students who want to collaborate on trading strategy development?  If you are able to connect with other student traders, that is a big deal.  Trading is a lonely job, and having others to talk to when you have issues is a great resource.

Wrapping Up

Masterclass trading is very possible and achievable.  In fact, taking an online master level class in trading can be a great thing.  But there are challenges in doing so.  Remember to do your “due diligence” – that is, remember to investigate any potential course thoroughly.  Check out AND verify the credentials of any trading master educator.  Most of all, be cautious.  There are many garbage trading courses out there, masquerading as legitimate high quality courses. 

If you do your research and you approach your decision with a level head, you should be able to find a trading masterclass that suits you and provides a worthwhile return on your investment.
